The environmental program for auto services providers is only available through a Keystone agent. Contact us for your quote today.
Improperly vented paint booths or HVAC systems can leak dangerous chemicals or emissions into adjoining waiting rooms. This could cause breathing problems or other bodily injuries to customers. Many general liability policies do not pay for legal defense of bodily injury claims that are caused by a pollutant, even if by accident.
Our environmental program for garages offers pollution liability that can help pay for bodily injury claims stemming from a pollutant that originated from the client’s covered location. The insured has a choice of limits, all starting at a very economical rate!
Mechanical and body shops use and store many hazardous chemicals. Improper storage can cause containers to leak or burst, causing bodily injury or infiltration of chemicals into the air, soil, or groundwater.
Our environmental program for garages offers pollution liability that can help pay for environmental remediation or bodily injuries stemming from a pollutant that originated from the client’s covered location. The insured has a choice of limits, all starting at a very economical rate!
Cracked vehicle lifts can leak hydraulic fluid that can infiltrate the soil or groundwater. Clean-up costs are typically not covered under a general liability policy. And because lifts can sit above or below ground, hydraulic fluid leaks can easily go undiscovered until they cause major issues. A recent claim for remediation of this type cost the garage owner over $200,000 to clean up!
Our environmental program for garages offers pollution liability that can help pay for environmental remediation stemming from a pollutant that originated from the client’s covered location. The insured has a choice of limits, all starting at a very economical rate!
Old, cracked above or below ground storage tanks can leak gallons of oil, gas, or diesel, infiltrating the soil or groundwater. A recent claim for investigation, removal, and disposal of this type of infiltration cost over $300,000!
Our environmental program for garages offers pollution liability coverage for aboveground storage tanks and separate coverage for underground storage tanks that can help pay for environmental remediation stemming from a pollutant that originated from the client’s covered location. The insured has a choice of limits, all starting at a very economical rate!
Many shops own tow trucks or transport materials and equipment to other sites. What would happen if a truck lost control and turned over, causing chemicals to infiltrate the air, soil, or groundwater nearby? A recent claim involved a service station waste hauler transporting used motor oil that overturned, spilling its load into a nearby stream. The service station was obligated to pay for their apportionment of the load for cleanup since federal law states that you own manifested waste from cradle to grave. Cost to settle the claim? Nearly $600,000!
Our program includes coverage for environmental risks stemming from transport, loading, unloading, and disposing of materials. This includes transit pollution liability for risks caused during transportation. It also includes coverage for remediation costs due to off-site contamination, and non-owned disposal site coverage designed to protect against claims for bodily injury, property damage, or cleanup costs made against contractors disposing waste at another facility.
Extra chemicals from a service tank could leak and if they seep into the ground at your garage causing environmental damage, this is NOT covered by your general liability policy.
Our environmental program for garages offers pollution liability that can help pay for environmental remediation stemming from a pollutant that originated from the client’s covered location. The insured has a choice of limits, all starting at a very economical rate!